
Iphone 4 mobile hotspot
Iphone 4 mobile hotspot

With the Verizon iPhone, I have an always-ready personal hotspot.

iphone 4 mobile hotspot

I hop on the train, open my laptop, insert my Verizon EVDO USB modem in one of the available USB ports, use VZ Access Manager to log-in, then fire up the VPN to access corporate mail. Here's how my evening commute usually goes. The more I tested the personal hotspot, the more I thought about the many ways I could use it. I primarily used it via Wi-Fi, but I could just have easily tethered it to my laptop via USB or connected over Bluetooth.

iphone 4 mobile hotspot

It's smart, and like most everything else on the iPhone, simple to use. By far my favorite, and easily the most differentiating feature of the new Verizon iPhone 4, is the personal hotspot feature.

Iphone 4 mobile hotspot